On December 1, 2017, TÜV AUSTRIA Group became the authority for the certification of earth-friendly products relating to the biobased, biodegradable, and compostable content. These new offerings were formerly done by Vincotte.
TUV Austria Group is now the leading international institution for certifications related to biobased, biodegradable, and compostable products. Brands from around the world submit their products to rigorous scientific testing by unbiased third parties in order to back up their claims. These certifications set companies apart from greenwashing brands that merely give lip service to environmental concerns in order to market their products.
The Vincotte OK Biobased, OK Compost, and OK Biodegradable system of certifications are expected to rebrand as TUV Austria over the next several months. Nature-Pack™ products certified by Vincotte will therefore be certified by TUV Austria.