Fibrease®, Nature-Pack Events, Nature-Pack™ Products, Packaging News

Nature-Pack to Preview New Fibrease Product Launch at Asembia AXS24 Summit

Nature-Pack to Preview New Fibrease Product Launch at Asembia AXS24 Summit Exhibitors were: Scott Durbin – Sr Account Manager Mike Birtsas – Sales Michael Angelo – Sales With more than 7500 people in attendance, and more than 200 exhibitors Asembia 2024 in Las Vegas was the place to be for specialty pharmacy. Attendees representing the […]

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Fibrease®, Nature-Pack™ Products, Packaging News

Frontier Paper & Packaging and Stora Enso Form Strategic Partnership to Market Innovative Fibrease® Cellulose Foam To The North American Market

(Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) Date 04/10/24 As a recognized leader in creating bespoke eco-friendly packaging, Frontier Paper & Packaging has partnered with the Swedish forest products company Stora Enso Biomaterials Division to bring new Fibrease Cellulose wood Foam to the North American market. Frontier and Stora Enso have a shared vision of a society built on […]

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Packaging News, Plastic Pollution and Bans

China’s ban on single-use plastics

China’s Jan. 19 announcement of a sweeping, phased-in ban on many single-use plastics not only caught the attention of environmental campaigners, but also it’s likely to have a significant impact on polyethylene markets globally. The new policy from Beijing sets up bans on disposable plastics, including nondegradable bags, straws and cutlery to be phased in […]

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2019 New York City styrofoam ban
Packaging News, Plastic Pollution and Bans

No More EPS Foam in NYC, Law Now in Effect

Overcoming resistance from a coalition of businesses, New York City’s ban on EPS foam (frequently referred to by the brand name “styrofoam”) is officially in effect. This is a major effort to reduce plastic pollution that There is a buffer period this year where businesses continuing to use styrofoam will only receive warnings until July 1, after which […]

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Plastic Pollution and Bans

Eliminating Plastics Entirely is NOT the Green Solution

Eliminating all plastics would raise greenhouse gas emissions? This sounds counter-intuitive until you think through the alternatives to some of our economy’s needed plastics. According to Professor David Bucknall from Heriot-Watt University, there are no easy answers to global plastic pollution. “…the academics from Heriot-Watt University said replacing plastics with other packaging such as glass or metal […]

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Packaging News, Plastic Pollution and Bans

University Study Finds Plastics More Sustainable than Paper

Counter to popular belief, a new study comparing the total effect of plastic vs paper products indicates that plastics might be the greener option. “The idea that plastic packaging actually reduces solid waste seems like a contradiction if you look at the numbers put out by the mainstream media. However, a new study by the Earth […]

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